Don’t Let Mosquitos Bite into Family Fun
Enjoy your yard to the fullest with the CoastalMister System.
What Is a Mosquito Misting System?
Mosquito misting systems have been growing in popularity since their inception in the early 2000’s. The roots of the mosquito misting system lie in the barn-based fly control systems that were created to protect horses from the diseases carried by biting flies.
A few people began to realize that this same system could be applied to their back yards, helping to fight back against mosquitos and other biting insects that prevented them from enjoying their time outdoors. In 2002, the founder of our company built the first CoastalMister system in his garage in Houston, TX out of spare parts he had cobbled together. Since then, our systems have changed quite a bit, and by focusing on reliability and ease of use, we have built up a network of dealers nation wide that carry our products to better serve their customers.
But how does the system work?
By running a series of low profile tubing and nozzles around the perimeter of the back yard, as well as targeting key areas of the yard where people (and by extension, mosquitos) like to spend their time, we are able to create a zone of protection: reliably controlling the mosquito population, and drastically reducing the incidence of annoying and painful bites.
The system itself is easily concealed near your air conditioning or pool equipment, and can be programmed to operate automatically, with misting cycles scheduled for specific times of day when mosquitos are most active. With three 30-second cycles each day, we are able to achieve consistent protection with a minimal amount of chemicals. A helpful diagram can be viewed here.
What types of chemicals are used? And is this safe?
There are a few different options when it comes to misting system chemicals. All of these products have been extensively tested by their manufacturers, and approved by the EPA for use in residential mosquito misting systems. Each product has a specific dilution rate, carefully developed by entomologists (bug scientists) to deliver the absolute minimum required amount to affect the targeted insects without harming humans or pets. Click here to be directed to more information.
The types of products commonly used are listed below:
Pyrethrum based products
Permethrin Based Products
Natural Repellents
With tens of thousands of CoastalMister systems having been installed over the last 20 years, and the feedback we get from our customers, we know that these systems are highly effective.
Something that is important to note, is that a mosquito system can only work well if it is installed and maintained properly. This means keeping up with regular maintenance and keeping the system filled with the right products.
We can never guarantee the complete elimination of mosquitos in your yard, but we know that with a properly operating system you will see a 90% reduction in mosquitos, leading to less bites and a greater appreciation for your outdoor areas.
Our recommendation is 3 mist cycles each day for 30 seconds each cycle. However, this is fully customizable and be changed to reflect the severity of your mosquito issue.
This will depend on the size of your home and yard, but a good ballpark is anywhere from the low $2,000’s to $5,000+
This will depend on the size of the system, but in general you can divide 100 by the number of nozzles, and the answer will reflect how many months a full tank will last, when it is set to the recommended 3 times per day at 30 seconds each